Upcoming Events

  • What's Next?

    Summer 2024 booking is closed.
    Please send us a message to inquire booking in the Fall starting September 2024.

  • New Live Session

    Director: Zeallous Music: Elijah Collins

    Audio Engineer: Austin James Hicks

    Producers: Adam Dowling & Elijah Collins

    Presented by Almost Perfect 91: https://www.almostperfect91.com/

    Helen St. MixR is a collaborative platform supporting freedom of expression, music, food, art, and artists of all kinds.

    Community-based. Community inspired.

    Support HSM's 2024 season and beyond below / helenstmixr

    Stay updated! Join our newsletter: https://bit.ly/helenstreetmixr\

    Learn More: https://bit.ly/HSMixR Facebook: / helenst.mixr Instagram: / helenst.mixr

    Partners - Zeallous Music is the social media marketing agency for local up-and-coming indie musicians in the Bay Area. In 2017, Zeallous launched in a backyard in the heart of San Francisco. Founder and creator Elijah Collins wanted a way to unite his love for audio engineering, photography, and filming with musicians - and Zeallous was born. Breaking into the music industry can be challenging, so we analyze which apps are relevant, connect the music to the fans, and establish a brand. We want to take the labor off your hands so you can do what you do best and get back to the music.

    #HelenStreetmixR #WestOakland #Louda #LoudaYLosBadHombres #HSM #EastBayRecorders